With our newsletter, the Brezel-News, we hope to inform, stimulate and entertain our families as well as the wider German speaking community: we celebrate our children's progress, shine a spotlight on special events and traditions, reflect on our teaching practices, and explore issues that affect German speaking families in the UK. Staff, parents and their children can all contribute and we are grateful for the ideas and perspectives they share here.
November 2019
November 2019 is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall: parents who witnessed the event speak about their memories in class. A trip to the exhibition 'Love Letter across the Berlin Wall' provides further insights. We also take a closer look at the youngest class in our school and how German is taught here.

July 2014
The World Cup is on and families are coming together at the Drayton Park pub to see Germany play. In this issue, we also introduce other German Saturday Schools around the UK as well as our umbrella organisation, the VDSS. And Pauline Meyer reports on the IB programme she completed at our partner school St Mary Magdalene Academy.

July 2013
In this issue we report on the new Judith Kerr School, an Anglo-German primary school in North Dulwich. Our teacher Christine Pleines is recognised for her outstanding work at the German Teacher Awards 2013. And we call for more volunteers - it's not that hard and a good way to make friends!

March 2015
We speak to parents who grew up with more than one language themselves and are now supporting their own children's multi-lingualism. The VDSS teachers' workshop takes place at the Goethe Institute. And Florian Fischer asks if there is something specifically German about enjoying board games.

March 2014
A teachers' workshop for Islington and Hackney in which Christine Müller shares her experiences of teaching at Saturday School and Charlotte Schulze gives practical instructions in the use of LÜK boxes and new games which – thanks to a ZfA donation - have just been introduced in Hackney. We also report on our 'Day of Professions' and on the Carnival which was celebrated - with great professionalism - at both locations.

March 2016
Our former student Fenja Akinde-Hummel recounts her gap year in Germany. Martina Schmid tells us how working at the Saturday School got her into teaching. We report on a new initiative: three teachers in Islington invite parents to join them in the classroom. And we gather responses to the new series Deutschland 83.

December 2014
The 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the British Museum's Germany exhibition are discussed in this issue. We also talk to parents who were in Berlin in 1989 and who have just shared their memories with some of the older classes. The Saturday School choir perform an anniversary concert in the oldest German church in London. And teachers report on 'Austria Day'.

December 2013
This issue includes Helene Schulze's report from the career fair at the German Embassy. We also take a closer look at the changes in GCSE- and A-level German exams and how we prepare for them at Saturday School. And Frauke Ehmke shares her thoughts on the use of art in language teaching.